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The Military Sabre

The Military Sabre is a one handed curved cut and thrust sword. While versions of sabres have existed throughout history, the military sabre gained particular popularity for both infantry and cavalry during the Napoleonic Wars. There are various British fencing manuals regarding the use of military sabre, often borrowed from earlier backsword or smallsword systems, from the likes of famous fencers such as Henry Angelo, Alfred Hutton, George Silver, Charles Roworth and Donald McBane.

British Military Sabre Manuals
Infantry Sword Exercise Henry Angelo
Art of Defense on Foot with Broadsword and Sabre Charles Roworth

"Infantry Sword Exercise"   

Henry  Charles Angelo

"Art of Defense on Foot with Broadsword and Sabre"

 Charles Roworth

The Expert Swordman's Companion Donald McBane

"The Expert Sword-Man's Companion"  

Donald McBane

The Longsword


The longsword, commonly known as the hand & half sword, bastard sword, or broadsword, is double-edged cut and thrust sword with a two-handed grip used primarily from the 13th to 16th centuries. There are various traditions and many treatises studying the use of the longsword, which is why it’s one of the most studied weapons in HEMA. 

Italian and English
Longsword Treatises 
Fior Di Battalgia

Flower of Battle

Fiore de'i Liberi

Ledall English Longsword

Ledall Roll

 J. Ledall 

German Longsword Treatises
German Longsword Pseudo Von Danzig
Sigmund Ringeck

Pseudo Von Danzig

Sigmund Ringeck



Nuremburg Fechtbuch

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